Chicken Cha Cha Cha is a game for 1 - 4 players.
For games with 2 or more players the objext is to collect all the lives on the board.
Every player starts the game with one life.
Every player has a color, either red, blue, green or purple.
The piece a player is currently on will have a solid ring of the players color around it.
The piece the player has to jump to will have a flashing background of the player's color.
Usually this is the next piece to where the player currently is but if another player is in their way then it will be the next available piece.
To jump to the flashing 'target' piece the player must find the matching picture of the target with the hidden pictures in the middle of the board.
If they make a wrong choice play moves to the next player.
When you jump over a player you take all their lives.
Even if a player has no lives they can continue playing, the game isn't over until one player has all the lives!
For games with just one player the player can pick either a 'time' or 'click' challenge.
For both challenges a player can pick either 'easy', 'medium', or 'difficult'.
The goal for both challenges is to move around the board one time.
In a time challenge the player must move around in a certain amount of time. Easy gives the most amount of time, difficult gives the least!
In a click challenge the player must move around within a set amount of clicks. Easy gives the most amount of clicks, difficult the least!